STAFFORDSHIRE AND DORSET 63 ` Indies; Captain in 1788; killed at siege of Pondicherry, 1793- The 73rd Foot was formerly the second battalion of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment which was raised in 1756. Army List. THoMAs GALPINE, Captain 42nd Foot Review of “ A Fortnight’s Ramble to the Lakes,” by Joseph Budworth, Gem/eman’s Magazine, Aug. 1 8 IO “ He [Budworth] unfolds the merits of an unrivalled corps, the old 72Hd or Royal Manchester Volunteers, of which he was a gallant officer, which regiment was raised at the expense of the town of Manchester and even clothed until it arrived at Gibraltar, they were universally allowed to be as fine a body of youth as ever were seen. This regiment was quartered in the brunt of the garrison on the enemy opening his batteries against Gibraltar; as they afterwards were, previous to, and at, the grand attack; they were consequently much employed, besides duties in common with their fellow soldiers, and had more on the list of casualties in proportion, having 89 killed, died of wounds, and disabled, I4 3 recovered of wounds. The narrative tells some sad truths of the treatment which that regiment (and himself individually) met with. " We can readily conceive how it must have warmed the Author’s heart to bring forward some brother officers and particularly that gallant veteran Lieutenant Galpine, with whom he lived six months in a place worse than a bad coal—hole and never went to sleep in safety——but custom made them quite indifferent to danger. There was scarcely a night their beds were not covered with dust and sometimes rubbish from the bursting of shell; and a splinter when Lieutenant Galpine was in the place once rattled round the boom—proof and went through the table he was sitting at." From Budworth’s " Fortnight’s Ramble to the Lakes," 1st edition, p. 372 " Lieutenant Galpine had the singular honour of being a reduced Ensign at the close of the German War in 1763 and a Lieutenant in that of the American in 1783. He was an Ensign on the full pay of the Vlth Regiment when the Man- chester Volunteers were raising into which he came aLieutenant.