64 · THE FAMILY OF GALPIN OF if After remaining some time on half-pay, I think that General Elliott was the means of his getting a Company in the 73rd, one of the new levies left standing after the war. , " Captain Galpine being on picquet in the trenches at the Siege of Pondicherry, when the enemy was firing briskly, he 4 , was supposed to have fallen asleep; an officer going to awaken him, put his hand in his ne·ck——his head having been taken _ off by a cannon ball and the trunk left upright in the chair. r Thus fell as gallant a soldier as the sun ever shone on. I " He was tall with an expressive countenance, strong abilities and a cultivated mind; having seen a great deal of the world Y no one was better calculated to adorn Society; he had so happy a laugh and his command of words was so fascinating, it was . impossible not to retire from his company without thinking him the pleasantest man alive." ` The account also describes Lieutenant Galpine in the ` " mouth of fire " at the great attack at Gibraltar extinguishing ( a {ire and fetching water under a furious fire, for a wounded private. See also A journal qf z/ze Bloc/eerie and Siege (y' Giemlmr éy Samuel! Arzcell, published by A. Edwards at Cork in 1793. 1 (Siege of Gibraltar, 1779 to 1783.) F General Elliott, afterwards Lord Heathfield. c ]oHN GALPINE Lieutenant 54th West Norfolk Regiment of Foot 18 Nov. 1795, when he was I7 years of age; Captain, 24 March 1803. Army List. Served in the West Indies under Sir David Baird. Born E 1 779. Died at Antigua. See Will (Surrey). I ]oHN GALMNE (Le., John Kingston Galpine) , Ensign 18th (or Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot 9 ]uly I 1803; Lieutenant, 1805; Paymaster. . (Died at Blandford St. Mary Kitty Galpine, widow of ]ohn ? t Galpine, Paymaster of the 18th Foot, aged 78, A.D. 1849.) 1